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If Vitamin D Has Influence on Stoping Hair Loss?

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Can vitamin d stop hair loss? Some people think their baldness is due to the deficiency of certain elements in their bodies like vitamins. Is this assumption true? Today, we will introduce what causes the problem and what methods can be taken to solve it. 

Hair loss, a common yet awkward problem, has troubled many people these days including both the young generation and the middle-aged. The causes of hair fall are various. To help you better know why you lose so much hair and to find a solution to the problem. The followings are several major reasons for hair loss. 


Biological heredity is one of the common reasons for one person to lose his hair. You can see whether your family members all have the problem of hair fall. If it is, that is the answer to your hair loss. Hereditary hair loss is also called androgenic alopecia. In this condition, hair fall follows certain patterns. Usually, the hairline will recede first for men. For women, the hair around the scalp gets thinner and thinner. 

Hormonal deficiency or changes

Hormonal changes may result from a variety of conditions like pregnancy, menopause, and so on. Our human bodies are sensitive to various changes. The internal changes will lead to external differences, thus bringing troubles to our life. Diseases can also affect our body condition. Scalp infections like ringworm can also lead to increased hair fall. 


When you are ill, you may take some medicines. Particular medicines pose the side effects of hair loss. Those drugs for treating cancer, depression, high blood pressure, and so on will result in the problem. 


Stress is also one of the most common causes. People will lose much hair if they receive a sudden shock or go through a sorrowful event. This is also the reason for many young men and women to suffer from hair problems. Working under great stress for a long time will not merely reduce hair but lead to many other health problems. 

Excessive hairstyles

Every time you color, curl or straighten your hair, damages will be made to your hair. Hair the same as other organs in our body needs nutrients. Hair also needs good maintenance. If you style your hair too frequently, it is time to relax for some time. The choice of hair products like hair conditioners and shampoos is also important. 

These are the basic factors that contribute to alopecia. One question people are also concerned with is that “can vitamin d stop hair loss?”. Here, we give you an answer to the question. 

Vitamin d deficiency leads to hair loss because one of the key functions vitamin d plays is to stimulate hair follicles. The lack of enough vitamin d precludes the growth of new hair. Therefore, if your hair loss is caused by a lack of vitamin d, then vitamin supplements can help to mitigate the condition. 

According to a study, women aging from eighteen to forty-five years old who suffer from hair loss do not have enough of this substance in their body system. Then, how to supplement vitamin d to stop hair fall? Here are some suggestions. 

Eat vitamin d supplements or food containing vitamin d

Eating a balanced diet can bring many benefits to our life. Such foods as fatty fish, cod liver oil, and animal fats have abundant nutrients. There are many health menus online that are designed for people who want to improve their hair loss conditions. The key lies not in what you know but what you do. 

Eating one or two meals of healthy food cannot make much difference. You need to persist in living a healthy life. 

Get exposed to the sun

Some people tend not to be exposed to the sun, particularly in Asian countries. However, sun exposure is a good source of absorbing vitamin D. You do not have to spend much time staying under sunlight. About ten minutes of sun exposure is adequate. 


Now you can figure out “can vitamin d stop hair loss”. Baldness seems to be a small problem but it can indeed bring much unhappiness to life. Based on your condition and judge what factors lead to the problem, you can better take measures.


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