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Choosing the Right Hair Color for Your Hair System: A Complete Guide

Views: 336

Hi guys, this is Adam. I just got my hair down today, pretty much to match the weather outside. It's pretty gloomy, pretty overcast, and it's getting colder.


I'm going to be talking about getting the right color for your hair system and how you can ensure that. So I'm going to go through three ways which you can ensure that you get the best possible color match for you, for your natural hair and your hair system. This is primarily targeted towards newer hair system wearers or people who are thinking of getting a hair system because this is when you'll find this article most helpful. More experienced users maybe won't find this article so helpful, but this is for you guys.


Okay, so the first suggestion I'd make, and this is probably the best one, is to start with a custom hair system. So the difference between a custom system and a stock system is basically, a stock system is made in the factory. It's not tailored towards your special needs, it's just made in a generic size, a generic density, generic color, generic base, all that kind of thing. Custom system , or a custom toupee, as it's called on LaVivid's website here, this is where you can literally tailor and customize your own system. It's amazing. The only drawback is that, you can have about an 8 to 10 week wait to get your system, that's literally the only drawback. Other than that, custom systems are amazing. So let's proceed.


So you go on to LaVivid Hair, as an example because they're my sponsor. So on their homepage, you'll see custom toupee. And you just click on the drop down, custom toupee, where it says hot, so give that a click. And it's at this point where you really go through to tailor your system to your specific needs. So for instance , you've got your bases here, and let's just choose a full Swiss lace. So it'll be selected Swiss base lace. Base size, you can select that.


You'll see color here. So this is where you can select to send a hair sample. This is what I would recommend if you are, if you haven't had a system before, this is the number one thing that I would recommend, sending a hair sample. Do it first class recorded to make sure that it gets to the factory, They'll provide you with an address once you've made the full custom order. This, as I said, it's the best way because then they'll have your actual hair, and they can literally match what they're making for you to your exact hair color. This is what I did when I got my first system 'cause I had no idea about these numbers that you're seeing on the screen. I didn't have a hair sample on file either, I didn't feel confident enough matching my hair color against an image which I was seeing online. So hands down, this is the best solution. However, this doesn't work for everyone, and also some people just don't want to wait 8 to 10 weeks to get a system, and that's absolutely fair enough.

So if you want a custom system it's 8 to 10 weeks that's guaranteed with LaVivid.

The second solution is being a little bit braver, a little bit bolder and I don't blame anyone if they don't want to do this 'cause I didn't do this first time. But what I've done is I've gone on to lace Hair Systems from the homepage and you can select any system, any system you want, they've all got a number of colors that you can order and for guys new to Hair Systems, these are stock systems, so these are generic systems. I like to sort of compare this to generic medications versus compounded medications. So with medications, it will have a patent for a number of years whereby a manufacturer is the only manufacture that can make that medication. Now, once the patent runs out, then basically anyone can actually buy access to the ingredients for that medication and it becomes a generic medication. So any manufacturer can make it, however, some people have very specific needs and they can't take certain doses or generic doses so they have to go to what's called a compounded Pharmacy or compounding pharmacy and they basically get their medication tailored to their specific needs and it's very similar to Hair Systems where you've got stock Hair Systems which are like the generic medications and then you've got custom systems which are effectively compounded medications. So it's a good way to view it.

Lavivid thor hair system

So let's go to the one that I'm wearing right now, so the Thor men's lace, so it's a French lace full toupee/ system. Okay, now if you can see here where my mouse is going, these are the different colors you can get it in and what's really handy with La Vivid actually is when you go on each one it will tell you what color that number corresponds to. So for instance, if you look at my hair I am lightest Brown so I'm a seven and it blends really well with my natural hair so what I always do now is I select a seven. However, you might have jet black hair whereby you'd be a one, you might have chestnut brown hair which would be a six, you might have a bit of gray hair now they do do stocks for gray hair so if you look here you can see you know you've got off black with 50% gray, 65% gray so that's synthetic gray hairs that are added into your hair system so if you're a bit older or you've just gone gray a bit younger these are the ones that you want to be looking for. There's another there's a medium brown here with sort of like a 10% density so yeah you can sort of choose from there let's see how many they've got. So they've got 21 colors for this system system Alone. If you look at the other systems, they've probably got more colors. Let's have a look at this one so this is a lace base with a poly perimeter that's actually got les Swiss lace the Swiss lace May well have quite a lot more so the Swiss lace has loads and plenty of ones with gray elements as well also percentage of gray um also you know with some of them you can get um colors with ashy tones so for instance for me even though I'm a seven I get on I blend very well with an ash seven which is lightest brown but with some sort of ashy tones cause my hair is a bit of unique so if you fancy sort of switching up a bit again it's another option for you.


"Now the last solution for you is you can actually buy yourself a hair system color chart now. This one is $55 from La Vivid, and they basically send you this ring. It's got strands of hair of each different color so you can match your hair color to the color on the ring. When you've got the closest match, you'll know, and it corresponds to numbers as well. So, you will know when you've got the closest match, you will know what number that corresponds to and you can order it through the website. So, I would encourage you to go onto their website and check it out. It's actually quite reasonable for a hair system color chart. I've seen some that are like $125, so that's very reasonable, but it's a surefire way if you're looking for a stock system, rather than a custom where you've got to wait 8 to 10 weeks, it's a sure way to get the closest possible match to your hair system color. Once you've found the number that corresponds to your hair color on that ring, you just select it when you're buying the system, the stock system. So, I'll go back through that with you. Say on that one I've identified that it's number seven, and then I just click, 'Brilliant 7,' comes up with my color and then I just select, 'add to cart.' It's literally that easy, guys.


In terms of accuracy, if I had to put them on a podium, and in terms of getting the most accurate surefire way of getting the best possible color match for you, number one, I'd put custom toupee . You're going to have to wait a bit longer, but you're guaranteed to get the best possible match.

Number two, so with the silver medal, it would be getting the hair system color chart, which is $55 from La Vivid. Other companies do it as well, so you might want to shop around to see which one is cheapest, but it's still a really, really good option. And then, number three in bronze, which is a slightly riskier option, is just having a guess looking at the colors on the actual website and sort of hazarding a guess at what hair color is the closest to yours. So, I hope you found that helpful, guys. Let me know in the comments below if you've actually gone through any of these processes before and what you found most helpful, because people read the comments as well and they will find your comments and your insights and feedback really, really useful.

Adios for now, guys.


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