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Discover the Secret of Clip-On Hair Systems

Views: 185

Today, we’re going to be looking at something slightly different, a little bit niche within the hair system community, but something that might really work well for you, especially if you’ve got a busy life and don’t have much time for maintenance.


Now, I didn’t even find out about clip-on hair systems until about 2 years ago. That was 3 years into my hair system journey. So it’s not something you come across every day. It’s not like a common lace base or poly base. It’s something that really is quite a niche, but I think it’s really pretty cool. And the reason I say that is because of one big thing, one big positive, which it’s got over pretty much every other type of system, and that is easy maintenance.

Now, these things aren’t something that you would wear for 4 to 6 weeks or even 2 to 3 weeks. These are designed for daily wear. So it might be really suitable for you if you’ve tried some systems, you don’t get on with them, you find they get a bit itchy after a couple of days. Clip-on systems could be just the ticket for you.

But basically, when it comes to being in a busy office environment where you don’t get much private time to yourself, clip-on hair systems could be the solution for you. Now, you’re probably going to be wondering, what are these weird and wonderful things? I’ve never heard of them. I’ve never even seen a video of them.

What I’m going to be showing you is basically first up the stock option, and then I’m going to be showing you the custom option.

So what you want to do first is you want to look at the Hair Systems options. So there will be a drop-down there. You’ve got lace, you got skin. Now, Lavivid did say that anything thinner than a 0.08 MM poly, they cannot attach clips to. So what I’m talking about is Mirage. But anything sort of like higher than that, like an Achilles, for instance, that will be able to hold. That’s a 0.08 mm that will be able to hold clips, and all of the laces can as well.

For example sake, we’re going to be looking at lace because those ones seem to really work quite well with clip-on systems. You click on lace hair systems, and we’re going to look at the Swiss, which is known as the Helios. It’s one I really like. It’s very light, very breathable, and works really well for clip-ons. So you just click on that, and then this is where you have to do something ever so slightly different from what you’d usually do if you’re ordering a normal system.

So you just select whatever density you want. So I usually go with a 90. And then it will say 8x1. Now, you want to make sure you ignore that. You select whatever color is the color that you’d like. And then make sure that you go to base precut, okay? And it just says $15 next to it. So you select that, and then you make your payment. Lavivid has instructed me that you need to email them. So that’s

Now, I know what you’re thinking. Do they work on the front? Well, no, they don’t. But this is where tape comes in really handy, especially daily tape. So we’re talking you can use 1522, you can use Sensi Tac. These are really great daily tapes, meaning that you can remove it at night and then put them back on the next morning without having to take the tape off of the base. It sticks around on the base for about a week. Yes, it doesn’t hold as well as ultra-hold, but it does a great job if you’re looking for daily wear.


Now, there is also a custom option. And this is for if you’re looking to tailor your density to exactly how you want it, if you want a specific length, if you want straight hair, if you want wavy hair, if you want curly hair alongside, well, within the clip-on system, you might want to go the custom route. So you just select custom today, and then you basically make your selections as you’d normally do when ordering a custom system.

So it’s really important you let Lavivid know that it’s 2 cm wider on each side than your actual balding area. And then, of course, you might want to get some daily tapes just for the front. You can use glue as well, but it can be a little bit messy. The great thing about clip-on systems as well, they last way longer than your standard system. Why? Because you don’t wear it at night.

Obviously, when we wear our systems at night, we’re tossing and turning in bed. There’s friction on the pillow which pulls our hair system around. You don’t have that with a clip-on system because it’s not on your head. So it lasts longer. I’ve been speaking to a couple of dudes who wear these and swear by them. And they say it lasts them twice as long. So let’s say you get a Swiss lace clip-on hair system, it’s probably going to last you 3 to 4 months.

Now, if you get a clip-on version, it can last you 6 to 7 to 8 months, if not more than that. So it’s really worth considering, especially given it’s not actually much more expensive than a standard Swiss or French. Really worth considering, guys. So, guys, I’ve really wanted to be doing this for a really long time because I think clip-on systems are cool, and I think they’re underrated, and I think more people should be wearing these systems.

What do you guys think? Have you heard of a clip-on system before? Is this totally new to you? Is this something you might consider? Could you see this working around your life? Let me know in the comments below.


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