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The Guide of Covering Gray Hair Naturally

Views: 1607

Gray hair is a natural sign of aging just like dark spots and wrinkles also are. It is very common for people to notice their first gray strand in the late 30s or early 40s. But, nowadays, people in their 20s also notice premature grays owing to genetics, stress, and other factors. 

No matter what the reason and what your age you do not have to live with silver strands forever. And, nor do you need to use chemical loaded dyes or hair color to cover them. There are various natural remedies to cover grays, and you can try using one of them. So, let us get to learn about 4 such simple home remedies without further wait. 

1.Black Tea Rinse for Silver Hair 

This is a very popular method to darken grays naturally. Black tea contains caffeine, which is rich in antioxidants. Not only will it give your gray strands a black hue but will even strengthen the hair follicles, make your hair shiny, and promote hair growth. 

To follow this natural remedy, you need to take two cups of water, add two tablespoons of black tea, and boil it. To it add one teaspoon of salt and let it cool down completely. You now need to wash your hair as you normally do and then as a final rinse use this black tea concoction. Let your hair dry normally. 

2.Fenugreek and Indian Gooseberry for Gray Hair 

People have been using Indian gooseberry for ages to tackle many hair problems. Since it is rich in vitamin C, it can also help cover your silver strands naturally. If you mix it with fenugreek seeds it will prove to be even more beneficial. Fenugreek seeds are rich in antioxidants and nutrients, and when combined with Indian gooseberry it will cover your grays and even prevent hair growth. 

To use this natural remedy for your silver strands you simply need to take 3 tablespoons oil of your choice and add 6-7 pieces of Indian gooseberry to it. Let this mixture boil for just a few minutes. Next, add a tablespoon of fenugreek powder to this oil mixture and let it cool down. Apply this oil on your scalp and strands at night, and wash it off the next morning using any mild shampoo.


3.Coconut Oil and Curry Leaves for Your Grays 

Curry leaves have been used by many to treat their grays, and you must try it as well. Curry leaves contain minerals and vitamins and have strong antioxidant properties that can strengthen your hair and also mask your grays. It is even great for your scalp health. Coconut oil is known to help preserve color pigment and even makes your hair shiny and soft. So, these two ingredients together can work wonders for your mane. 

For this remedy, you need to take a pan and add 3 tablespoons of coconut oil to it. Next, add a handful of fresh curry leaves and heat it until you start noticing a black residue. Switch off the heat and allow the mixture to cool down fully. Once cool, apply this oil on your hair roots and cover your strands and ends as well. Let it stay for an hour and then wash your hair as you normally do. 

4.Potato Peels To Mask Your Grays 

A simple potato too can help darken your gray hair easily at home. Potato peels have starch and this can preserve as well as restore color pigments in your hair and even prevent any further graying. 

What you need to do is take 2 cups of water in a pan and add peels of 5-6 potatoes to it. Boil this mixture until you notice the starch solution forming. Remove the pan from heat and let it cool down fully. Once cool, strain the mixture. Now, after washing your hair normally, use the potato peel solution as the final rinse, and do not wash it off. 

To Conclude

Each of these natural remedies for gray hair has proven beneficial to many. Even if you are allergic to the ingredients in one, you still have others to try. One important thing you need to remember is that since these are natural remedies they can take time to show results. So, keep trying them at least for a few weeks, and you will be glad you did.


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