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Reasons for Men's Hair Thin Problem

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So, yes. Hair thinning is like the evil villain in the hair world that is never welcomed. We want to at all cost avoid it and want to solve it, but for that to happen, we need to thoroughly understand the whole hair thinning science and reasons which trigger it. Only then can we get to the solution to deal with hair thinning in men.

Hair loss is universal; it is said that every day each person damages around 100 strands of hair without even seeming like a lot and causing any effect on the appearance of your hair. Some people have naturally beautiful hair; others have thick fur, which gets thinner as they age. Mostly the process of hair thinning goes unnoticeable, and when people realize that their hair loss is leaving some harmful after-effects, it's often too late for damage control. So, how do you know when the hair thinning is happening at an alarming rate? In this article, we are here to help you with all the sciences behind Hair thinning in men and deal with specially designed hairpieces for thinning men's hair. 

First, we need to understand the basic life cycle of your hair fall and hair growth. Each hair strand has its life expectancy of around a minimum of 2 years and a maximum of 5 years on average. The timeline of each hair strand has three stages: Growth, Transition, and rest. In the growth phase, the hair is growing from the roots to the maximum length, which takes most of the lifeline of the nose, then the transition and resting phase lasts for 2 to 6 weeks. After the completion of all three aspects, hair falls out on its own. Yes, other factors cause the hair to fall out or hair thinning like stress, medical issues, male pattern baldness, etc.

Signs of Hair Thinning or extensive Hair loss.

hair loss

These signs are like the red alert of your hair loss journey if you are experiencing any of these signs you need to start taking immediate measures to stop them from going worse.

1- Bald spots on different areas on your head. These bare patches are a sign of Alopecia Areata.

2- Excessive hair fall in clumps is a significant sign of hair thinning.

3- Noticeably lesser hair volume while you are styling or dealing with your hair.

4- If you can see your hair's scalp or roots through your hair, it is a reliable indication of hair thinning.

Most Common Reasons for Hair Thinning.

There is a list of reasons which might be the cause of hair thinning for you. For some, it is stress or different medical conditions, while for others its malnourished body. Some medications also result in hair thinning, where in some cases, you are too harsh with your hair while styling and handling them, causing them to break, ultimately resulting in hair thinning.

Nevertheless, the most significant cause of hair thinning in men is Male Pattern Baldness. In this condition, the hair's roots start to shrink, and the hair gets weak and brittle from the sources, causing them to break and grow back slower and more beautiful. With time they stop growing, and the roots completely stop allowing any hair to grow. This condition in men is more common than you think; around 50% of men will experience male pattern baldness in their lifetime. So smarter option will stay on alert with your hair thinning and immediately take action as soon as you start seeing signs.

The solution of Hair Thinning in Men.

men's wig

The thing about male pattern baldness is that it does not stop, you can slow down the process, but you cannot run from it. So what if you have figured the problem before it is too late, now what? Now you start taking measures, but as you can now see, your hair is relatively thin and does not look good. You do not need to worry, take heart as Hair Pieces for Men's thinning hair is here to make this hair thinning stress away from you. These hairpieces are specially designed for men with hair thinning problems – If you start to wear these hairpieces from the day you realize you are a victim of hair thinning no one but you will know what's actually beneath the hairpiece and without anyone ever finding out you will have a luscious looking, head full of healthy hair. Most probably even better than your real hair.

Now, what if the damage is already done, you have visible roots and bald spots, and there is too much space to cover. Again, you do not need to worry as the world of Hair Replacement system is so big, and brands like Lavivid Hair have whole lines of hairpieces for men's hair thinning. To find a hairpiece that will work for your hair loss and fulfills your requirement will not be hard to find as Laivid Hair provides you with each possible option you can be looking for.

Finally, to conclude, hair fall is inevitable. You can slow down the thinning process but cannot avoid it. Have your desired hair give hair Replacement Systems a chance, and keep up with your active lifestyle of confidence and charm.


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