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Man Weave Unit Is the First Choice for People Who Have Hair Loss

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The man weave unit will no doubt have come up when looking at solutions to male hair loss. It is an increasingly popular hair replacement technique due to its long-lasting life and realistic appearance. But what is it?

It would be easy to say a man weave unit is merely a high-quality toupee. And, while that would be true to some degree, it drastically understates just how realistic this method looks once it has been professionally applied. The unit is referred to more formally as a "cranial prosthesis". It is a non-surgical procedure for restoring hair to people who are or have been going through hair loss for a variety of reasons.

men's hair styles

What Kinds of Hair Loss Does This Solve?

This kind of hair replacement unit is suitable for all types of hair loss, from alopecia to an accidental head shaving, and everything in between. The process often involves cutting any existing hair in preparation for the application of the unit. However, your stylist may ask you to grow your hair to make blending between the unit and natural hair easier. It should be said that, while it is suitable for all types of hair loss, the process does involve using an adhesive applied directly to the scalp. If you have a skin condition that may react badly to this, you will want to discuss it with your specialist or doctor before proceeding.

How is a Man Weave Unit Applied?

First off, there is no surgery involved. As mentioned above, this is a non-surgical procedure that any trained stylist can carry out in a regular salon. Unless you are concerned that the adhesive may react badly with your skin, medical professionals will not be involved in the process.

man weave unit

As for the procedure itself, your professional will first prepare your head for application of the unit by shaving the area that it will adhere to. The area in question will differ from person to person, but will typically consist of the top of your head, leaving the back and sides with natural hair to blend with the unit.

Once prepared, your stylist will apply the adhesive and begin placing the unit. The unit will be intentionally overlong, this so that it can be cut and styled—much like natural hair—after the adhesive has set. It also allows your stylist to blend the hair replacement into any natural hair, making the result indistinguishable from the real thing.

How Long Does a Man Weave Last?

The length of time a unit will last before needing replacement can vary greatly depending on the unit. Some hair units will last only a few weeks, while others can go for as much as six months. You can also shorten the life of your hair replacement by not taking good care of it. Reasonable use of hair system will help you save money.

A man weave will require some special attention over its lifetime, such as avoiding getting it wet as much as possible. It is also possible to have your unit removed and washed before re-applying, though you should consult your specialist about this.

Can Women Get a Man Weave Unit?

The name is a little misleading, it's true. This kind of hair replacement treatment is as suitable for women as it is for men. Unlike wigs, the unit itself does not arrive ready to drop onto your head without any additional work. Once in place, your specialist will need to cut and style the unit—along with any natural hair— to achieve the realistic appearance that is characteristic of this procedure.

It is the process of using long, unstyled hair and cutting it to suit that makes it suitable for all kinds of applications, be it man or woman.

How Expensive is this Treatment?

The cost of a man weave unit will vary depending on the unit you choose. Different lengths, textures, and styles all affect the price. As a rough guide, you can expect a standard hair unit to fall between $200 and $650, though specialist units—for example, dreadlocks—can be more expensive than that.

The intended wear-time for the unit will also affect the cost. Expect to pay more for a unit that is intended to stay in use for months than for one that only has an expected lifetime of a few weeks.


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